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New feature: Attach email address to bug reports

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 4:23 pm
by Jirato
Just added a new feature to the bug database. You can opt-in to attach the email address tied to your character to your bug reports by typing email bug. Enter it a second time to opt back out. Keep in mind this system relies on you actually registering your email address with the email command, which, why wouldn't you do anyway? It's the only way to recover a character if you lose access to it.

Please note this doesn't mean we're going to be emailing you about each and every bug you submit. This mostly just saves us some time of manually digging through your character files for it if you submit something that needs further discussion or clarification. Plus now I can email you with a clear conscience knowing that you actually wanted to be contacted.

I am toying with the idea of adding a little email notification when your bug reports are closed, if it has an email address on it. Let me know if that's something you want or don't want. Main issue is sometimes we just close bugs because they are duplicates, not because they are fully resolved. (We get a LOT of duplicates).

Re: New feature: Attach email address to bug reports

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 4:27 pm
by Dakhal
I would absolutely adore receiving a return email on bug reports, even if they are closed due to it being a duplicate. I submit a lot of bugs and I never knew if something happens with them, or if they've been looked at. In the event it is a duplicate that was closed, that's easy to tell by the bug still existing.