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Charging and fighting the steed I am riding

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 10:22 am
by Kent
I tried to submit this using the normal bug command, but it was too long, so I am submitting here. (My apologies for the three incomplete bug reports I attempted to send.)

You head southwest, riding a dusky gray warhorse.
[Forest Road] (OutWldFrDt) [temperate]
You also notice a dogwood trunk (open), a tarnished shortsword, the corpse of a scarred mercenary and a nicked copper dagger.
Also here: a dirty archer (lightly-armored) and [[your dusky gray warhorse (ridden by yourself)]].
Obvious paths: west (roadriverbridge), northwest (river), north, northeast (road), east, southeast, south, southwest (river).

Travel time: 2 seconds.
(energy -1)
A dirty archer removes an arrow from his leather back quiver and nocks it to his oak shortbow.
A dirty archer fires an arrow at you! (R:1131 vs D:759)
0 pierce damage -! to the chest, glances harmlessly off a brigandine cuirass.
(Changing combat position to Engage)
You urge your dusky gray warhorse into charging toward a dusky gray warhorse!

Ouch! It hurts to move with this arrow lodged in your body! Maybe you should remove it.
(energy -3)

You thrust with an exquisite steel rapier with a cherry hilt at a dusky gray warhorse! (M:1469 vs D:634)
36 pierce damage - to the chest!
You thrust with an exquisite steel rapier with a cherry hilt at a dusky gray warhorse! (M:1469 vs D:634)
You thrust with an exquisite steel rapier with a cherry hilt at a dusky gray warhorse! (M:1469 vs D:634)
52 pierce damage - to the chest!
(energy -4)
Roundtime: 6 seconds.
(energy -10)
A dirty archer removes an arrow from his leather back quiver and nocks it to his oak shortbow.
A dirty archer fires an arrow at you! (R:1131 vs D:759)
5 pierce damage -- to the chest, somewhat deflected by a brigandine cuirass.
Wait 2 seconds.
Queuing following command: charge
(You may clear your command queue at any time)
You urge your dusky gray warhorse into charging toward a dusky gray warhorse!

Ouch! It hurts to move with these projectiles lodged in your body! Maybe you should remove them.
(energy -6)

You thrust with an exquisite steel rapier with a cherry hilt at a dusky gray warhorse! (M:1469 vs D:634)
30 pierce damage - to the chest!
Several broken ribs driven into the chest! Shish-ka-warhorse.
A dusky gray warhorse has been defeated.
You fall from your dusky gray warhorse!
20 crush damage - to the abdomen, partially deflected by a brigandine cuirass.
You are stunned for 3 seconds!
You feel a rush of adrenaline course through your body!
(energy +5)
(energy -4)

My main concern is that the warhorse is now aligned against me...can a GM step in to rectify this please?

Re: Charging and fighting the steed I am riding

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 12:05 pm
by qinweiqi
Looks from the square brackets like you had targeted your horse. I think that is probably what caused the issue.

Re: Charging and fighting the steed I am riding

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 2:30 pm
by Jaster
Did you try to target the archer with "target ar"? If so, maybe you accidentally added a w.

Re: Charging and fighting the steed I am riding

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 2:34 pm
by Rithiel
The real bug here is that the horse managed to charge itself. That's impressive.

Re: Charging and fighting the steed I am riding

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 12:32 am
by Kent
Jaster wrote:Did you try to target the archer with "target ar"? If so, maybe you accidentally added a w.
No, but in fact I'm glad you brought this up...this is what was happened: (1) I targeted the rogue with 'target r' far so good. I then slew the rogue. (2) Then I attempted to target the archer with 'target a'. Looking back, I see a line where it targeted a dusky gray warhorse.

I think the first bug is that somehow 'a' is a keyword for my warhorse and that's how it targeted it. I believe the archer was first in the room, so that makes it puzzling as to why the archer wasn't the first 'a' to be targeted.

Could 'a' be removed as a keyword for my warhorse, and perhaps all steeds ?

Re: Charging and fighting the steed I am riding

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 12:35 am
by Kent
Rithiel wrote:The real bug here is that the horse managed to charge itself. That's impressive.
Yeah, and how I was able to reach around and stab him in the chest while mounted. I must have long arms.

Re: Charging and fighting the steed I am riding

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 7:39 am
by Jaster
You can't outrun the long arms of the... old guy.

Re: Charging and fighting the steed I am riding

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 7:41 am
by Kiyaani
It's because it's "a dusky gray warhorse". It happens if you have two horses in the same stable too.

Re: Charging and fighting the steed I am riding

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 10:30 am
by Rithiel
Kiyaani wrote:It's because it's "a dusky gray warhorse".
Not anymore.

Re: Charging and fighting the steed I am riding

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 5:30 pm
by Kiyaani
Well then!

Re: Charging and fighting the steed I am riding

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 5:55 pm
by Rias
PETA has been contacted regarding your cruelty to horses, Kent.

And by PETA, I mean the Dunwyr.