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Is this a bug? Sheathes can be now stolen from

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 12:43 pm
by Kent
In the past, I know that sheaths were a safe place to store your dagger or knife, but a player today told me that is no longer the case, as she has had several knives lost to pickpockets from her sheath.

Was this a change in policy, or a bug?

Re: Is this a bug? Sheathes can be now stolen from

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 2:04 pm
by Jaster
Wondering about this myself.

Re: Is this a bug? Sheathes can be now stolen from

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 4:10 pm
by faylen
Likewise, especially as GMs have stated in the past that they consider it poor rp to put knives and the like into bags. It makes it impossible to protect knives, which normally wouldn't be a big deal but I and another Udemi have lost multiple guild specific knives this way.

Re: Is this a bug? Sheathes can be now stolen from

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 4:14 pm
by Rias
Weapons sheaths were originally unstealable, but that apparently broke at some point, and now I'm leaning toward feature. If anything, it would be easier to slip a knife out of a sheath than it would be to reach into a pocket or pouch or pack and remove something that way.

Sounds like we need some sheaths that have a little band of leather to snap closed and prevent theft.

Re: Is this a bug? Sheathes can be now stolen from

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 4:19 pm
by Kiyaani
Does the same apply for larger weapons/weapon containers? I'd like to see someone sneakily remove a weapon that weighs 12 lbs.

Re: Is this a bug? Sheathes can be now stolen from

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 4:22 pm
by Rias
Nothing larger than "small" can be stolen (at all - this isn't exclusive to weapon containers).

Re: Is this a bug? Sheathes can be now stolen from

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 5:34 pm
by Jaster
Rias wrote:Nothing larger than "small" can be stolen (at all - this isn't exclusive to weapon containers).
Yea, we're not gods, people.

Re: Is this a bug? Sheathes can be now stolen from

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 10:59 am
by faylen
My only problem with the idea that it would be easier to steal from a sheath is that, at least in the case of ankle/wrist sheaths, you might have clothes or boots or gloves covering them. Perhaps the belt sheaths this would be true, though.

That said, I'd be happy with a solution making sheaths, including the ankle/wrist ones, closeable. At least then, if I forget to close mine and my knife gets snatched it's my own fault and not something I couldn't have done anything to prevent. Seems like a fair compromise to me. Also, to the above, I'm not really sure how the thief abilities work nor how sheaths work with layering. I know I had leggings on when my knives were stolen out of my ankle sheath, but I can't remember if I had boots on or not so it's possible I just missed a preventative measure.

Re: Is this a bug? Sheathes can be now stolen from

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 5:11 pm
by Acarin
The problem I see with the current system is that your weapon becomes preferentially stolen if you are good about closing your containers (i.e. your sheath is the only remaining container that can be stolen from). It may not matter if you have a junk dagger, but if you have something you don't want to lose it's currently best not to use a sheath as it will be stolen first.

So then, why would I even wear a sheath? I can dilute the chances of someone stealing something nice from me by just carrying 50+ travel rations/firestones, etc. in my pack with that item. It's just as easy to get out and put back, only I can close it as well.

Re: Is this a bug? Sheathes can be now stolen from

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 7:26 pm
by Lun
What's the situation regarding this? It just made me rather fearful of using wrist/ankle sheaths.

Re: Is this a bug? Sheathes can be now stolen from

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 7:55 pm
by Acarin
Just to follow-up on this, if I hadn't taken minor alchemical damage and dropped it, I would have walked away with Drayla's whittling knife the other day. She payed me a decent amount for it too a couple months ago.

Jaster might have walked away with my nethrium katar as well if he could take the cold...

Re: Is this a bug? Sheathes can be now stolen from

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 9:03 pm
by Rias
Not a bug.

Re: Is this a bug? Sheathes can be now stolen from

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 9:10 pm
by faylen
Not a bug, but still doesn't seem quite right.

In the meantime, my suggestion to others is to catch kiskie or some similar npc and get them to fix your sheathes.

Re: Is this a bug? Sheathes can be now stolen from

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 8:18 am
by Drayla
Yeah, I think wrist and/or ankle sheaths should have clasps to prevent knives being stolen from them.