Shadgard/Tse Gaiyan/Arrest Issue

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Shadgard/Tse Gaiyan/Arrest Issue

Post by baerden »

I was arrested while entering Shadgard for resisting arrest. I was not wanted according to the wanted poster at the center of town.

After my things were confiscated, and I was fined 5000 riln, I attempted to leave to go get some riln to get my things back.

I turned around to head back into town to check something out and I was arrested again, this time they charged me with 2 counts of resisting arrest and now my fine total to get my things back is 15000.

I was wondering if someone could look into this please, if I keep getting arrested for trying to enter the town to pay my fine i'll never get it paid off! :p


Here's a log of the second arrest.

Code: Select all

You head west.
[Shadgard, Main Street] (OutUr) [semiarid]
A tall, sturdy wooden wall spans the distance between the close canyon walls to the east and west, providing protection to the townsfolk from the dangers of the 
wilderness outside, a sturdy wooden gatehouse guarding the only available passage. Built in the northwestern corner where wall meets sheer mountainside is a modest 
barracks. A busy, well-trod road heads southward into the heart of the town, flanked by various buildings and venues, including a tanner and a carpenter shop.
Several people are milling about the area. The area is somewhat noisy. 
It is sweltering hot!
Also here: your blue roan courser.
Obvious paths: east, south.

mount cour
You climb up onto the back of your blue roan courser.
(energy -15)
Roundtime: 2 seconds.
You regain your balance.
say well, at least I've still got you buddy
You say, "Well, at least I've still got you buddy."
You mutter.
go gate
You head into a sturdy wooden gatehouse, riding a blue roan courser.
[Shadgard, Gatehouse] (InUr)
This long gatehouse serves as both security point and shelter for the town guards stationed here, the room extending several feet east and west. At each end is a large 
burning brazier to help keep guards warm in the cold mountain weather, and benches have been placed at both for weary travelers who are in need of a quick thaw.
The area is mostly quiet. The area is particularly warm.
Also here: a Shadgard militia guard, a Shadgard militia guard, a Shadgard militia guard (bloody), a stout tan bloodhound, a droopy-eared tan and red bloodhound, a sad-
eyed tan bloodhound and your blue roan courser (ridden by yourself).
Obvious exits: north, south.

l guard
This member of the Shadgard militia seems ever-alert, constantly scanning her environs.
He is holding an old weathered musket in his right hand.
He is wearing a wide-brimmed brown hat, a long-sleeved linen tunic, a belt, a belt powderhorn, a shot pouch, some blue denim trousers, some socks and a pair of shoes.


You feel fully rested.
You head north, riding a blue roan courser.
[Redrock Canyon, Town Approach] (OutCyRkCl) [semiarid]
Bands of earthy red and brown run along the canyon walls here, a few scrubby plants and small pines managing to find suitable purchase amongst the tough soil and clay 
deposits. A thick wall of upright logs blocks passage south, a sturdy wooden gatehouse providing the only point of entry to the area beyond. A large wooden sign above the 
gatehouse entry welcomes visitors to the town beyond, while a prominent notice is nailed to the wall just to one side.
The area is slightly noisy. 
It is sweltering hot!
Also here: your blue roan courser (ridden by yourself).
Obvious paths: north.

read notice
You read the Common Letters written on a prominent notice:
Please do not leave your animals unattended!
  There is a stables just inside the gate.
 Unattended animals will be brought to the
     stables at the owner's expense.
You can't go that way.
go gate
You head into a sturdy wooden gatehouse, riding a blue roan courser.
[Shadgard, Gatehouse] (InUr)
This long gatehouse serves as both security point and shelter for the town guards stationed here, the room extending several feet east and west. At each end is a large 
burning brazier to help keep guards warm in the cold mountain weather, and benches have been placed at both for weary travelers who are in need of a quick thaw.
The area is mostly quiet. The area is particularly warm.
Also here: a Shadgard militia guard, a Shadgard militia guard, a Shadgard militia guard (bloody), a stout tan bloodhound, a droopy-eared tan and red bloodhound, a sad-
eyed tan bloodhound and your blue roan courser (ridden by yourself).
Obvious exits: north, south.

A Shadgard militia guard approaches you and says, "You're under arrest, Baerden!  Come along quietly, or I'll have to subdue you by force."
(If you wish to go quietly, you may surrender.)
A Shadgard militia guard approaches you and says, "You're under arrest, Baerden!  Come along quietly, or I'll have to subdue you by force."
(If you wish to go quietly, you may surrender.)
A Shadgard militia guard approaches you and says, "You're under arrest, Baerden!  Come along quietly, or I'll have to subdue you by force."
(If you wish to go quietly, you may surrender.)
You try to go south, but your way is blocked by a Shadgard militia guard!
Roundtime: 3 seconds.
You regain your balance.
ooc and i'm under arrest.. again, this has to be a bug
 * Ryo has joined the lands.
bug I keep getting placed under arrest repeatedly even after i've served a prison sentence
Bug report sent as follows:

    I keep getting placed under arrest repeatedly even after i've served a prison sentence
ooc shadgard
[Shadgard, Gatehouse] (InUr)
This long gatehouse serves as both security point and shelter for the town guards stationed here, the room extending several feet east and west. At each end is a large 
burning brazier to help keep guards warm in the cold mountain weather, and benches have been placed at both for weary travelers who are in need of a quick thaw.
The area is mostly quiet. The area is particularly warm.
Also here: a Shadgard militia guard, a Shadgard militia guard, a Shadgard militia guard (bloody), a stout tan bloodhound, a droopy-eared tan and red bloodhound, a sad-
eyed tan bloodhound and your blue roan courser (ridden by yourself).
Obvious exits: north, south.

You dismount from your blue roan courser.
Roundtime: 2 seconds.
You surrender to a Shadgard militia guard.
You are escorted away by a Shadgard militia guard.

[Shadgard Jail, Cell] (InRk)
This cell is spacious, but scantily-furnished. Some battered cots lie along the stone walls, none too close to a pit in one corner. A small amount of light filters in 
through a barred window set in a sturdy iron-bound door in the west wall.
You have trouble seeing in the low light. The area is completely silent. 
Obvious exits: none.

You are informed that you have been fined for the following crimes:
   Resisting Arrest (2 count(s)): 10000 Riln

The grand total of 10000 riln has been deducted from your bank account. If you did not have enough in your account to cover the cost, you will have accrued the remainder 
as a debt.
Your possessions are taken from you, and you are given some ratty old clothes to wear while serving your time. You are informed that your possessions have been sent to 
your vault in the local bank, and you can retrieve them there after you have been released.
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