Disappearing Leather

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Disappearing Leather

Post by Elystole »

I submitted a bug report (#9692) for this, but I wanted to share the log before I lost it. I was practicing my leatherworking when my brother wanted to chat IRL, so I transferred the leather from the worktable to my rucksack and logged out. I logged back in about thirty minutes later and my leather was gone. I didn't close the window between logging and logging out, so I still had the log which is unedited (except for blocking out my password).
transfer leather from worktable to ruck
You transfer 35 items from the sturdy worktable that is on the ground into an exquisite leather rucksack.
Roundtime: 11 seconds.

look on worktable
On the sturdy worktable you see a well-crafted rigid leather holster.



[ INFO ] -
[ INFO ] - Socket got disconnected. The remote host closed the connection
[ INFO ] - connection time: 00:00:17.114
[ INFO ] -
[ OK ] - Lua module rex_pcre loaded
[ OK ] - Lua module zip loaded
[ OK ] - Lua module lfs loaded
[ OK ] - Lua module sqlite3 loaded
[ OK ] - mudlet-lua API & Geyser Layout manager loaded.
[ INFO ] - looking up the IP address of server:clok.contrarium.net:4000 ...
[ INFO ] - The IP address of clok.contrarium.net has been found. It is:
[ INFO ] - trying to connect to ...
[ INFO ] - A connection has been established successfully.

___ _ ___ _ __
/ __| | / _ \| |/ /
| (__| |_| (_) | ' <
(c) Contrarium

Welcome to CLOK!

Type /login [character] [password] to log in as your character.
Type /register [character] [password] to register a new character.
Type /who to see who else is connected.

NOTE: For players using a mud client that intercepts slash(/) characters, use a double-dash instead, like so: --login [character name] [password]

CLOK staff will never ask for your password for any reason. To change your password, use the /password command.

Check the website for more information: http://clok.contrarium.net

Commands other than /login, /register, /quit and /who are only available when logged in as a character.
/login elystole *****

Welcome back, Elystole.

If you experience any bugs, please report them with the bug command!

You can use the question command to ask general syntax questions or questions that all characters would reasonably know (question What are some ways I can raise my stealth skill?).
Use the tell command to send an OOC message to a specific person (tell rias You owe me some cookies!).

Your feedback is appreciated! Sign up on the BBS (http://bbs.contrarium.net) and post your comments, questions and suggestions.

[Tanner, Workroom]
This cramped space is only large enough for a sturdy worktable, a large tanning frame, and a long wooden bench.
The area is completely silent.
You also notice a wooden trash barrel.
Obvious exits: out.

pluginstats 4
PLUGINATOR ACTIVATED (New and improved for ClokGear!)!

You cannot use the who command while the RPHardcore option is toggled on.
transfer leather from ruck to worktable
You try to transfer some of the contents of your exquisite leather rucksack onto a sturdy worktable, but couldn't find what you were looking for.

sit bench
You are already sitting.

look on worktable
On the sturdy worktable you see a well-crafted rigid leather holster.

look in ruck
The exquisite leather rucksack is empty.

look in barrel
The wooden trash barrel is empty.

transferlook in ruck
Invalid command. (You may type help commands to get a list of all available commands.)

look in ruck
The exquisite leather rucksack is empty.

count leather
You have the following items:

an exquisite leather flask (in a weathered brown leather coat cinched at the front with two iron buckles)

[ESP-GRAY - Golden-Yellow]: Jilliana?

[Tanner, Workroom]
This cramped space is only large enough for a sturdy worktable, a large tanning frame, and a long wooden bench.
The area is completely silent.
You also notice a wooden trash barrel.
Obvious exits: out.
You overhear the following rumor:
"I saw one of those Shadgard folk come barging into Grif's and shoot one of the patrons on the spot. Shadgard must be a pretty rough place with such outlaws running rampant."
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Re: Disappearing Leather

Post by Jaster »

Kent has had problems like this before, but it was just me hiding in the room and moving his leather around to break his script. :D
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Re: Disappearing Leather

Post by Jirato »

You weren't by any chance making leather rucksacks before this happened, were you?
transfer leather from worktable to ruck
You transfer 35 items from the sturdy worktable that is on the ground into an exquisite leather rucksack.
Roundtime: 11 seconds.
Note that you can use this instead to ensure that the target of the transfer is something held or worn on your person:
transfer leather from worktable to my ruck
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Re: Disappearing Leather

Post by Elystole »

Jaster wrote:Kent has had problems like this before, but it was just me hiding in the room and moving his leather around to break his script. :D
No scripts for me. I'm always worried that the one time I use a script is when something urgent will interrupt me IRL, I'll fall asleep at the keyboard, or I'll look at another monitor for too long.
Jirato wrote:You weren't by any chance making leather rucksacks before this happened, were you?
No, I was making a bunch of holsters for practice. The only rucksack I've ever seen, much less an exquisite one, is mine. I know about the 'my' command, but when I'm carrying the only copy of something I save myself the keystrokes.

The only thing I could think of is that I might have logged off while still in roundtime, but usually when I transfer something the transfer is instantaneous. That's why I just looked on the worktable real quick to make sure I had grabbed it all. I've done this exact thing so many times before that I just assumed it worked properly.
You overhear the following rumor:
"I saw one of those Shadgard folk come barging into Grif's and shoot one of the patrons on the spot. Shadgard must be a pretty rough place with such outlaws running rampant."
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