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Wilderness wildlife restored!

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 5:39 pm
by Rias
Per the changelog: All previously HUNTable wilderness wildlife has been restored.

As always, please report any bugs or oddities with the BUG command in-game or here in this thread. This was a scripted import so not all properties of the animals necessarily translated to the updated codebase. Those that previously provided pelts and/or meat should still do so, though meat amounts and pelt sizes may need some tweaking. And challenge ratings for hunting. Also, I'm just realizing I don't think most of the animals have coat colors assigned to them, so the pelts will be colorless until that gets taken care of. Also also, when I say "pelts" I mean specifically mammal pelts that have fur - things like lizard or crocodile skins don't (or at least shouldn't) work yet, and I don't believe any of the birds will provide feathers yet either. We have the basic pelts and meat, though!

These animals may be shuffled around or updated as time goes on so different areas can have more uniqueness to them, but for now, enjoy a lot more huntable wilderness areas out there. I am aware of the thread with animal hunting suggestions (click here to go to said thread) which is fantastic - please continue to put ideas there, it really helps to have some of the thinking-work done already for us!

Re: Wilderness wildlife restored!

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 5:46 pm
by artus
Where's my bacon!? We got peccary back!

Kidding. I'm glad to see these back again so I can go dream of my pheasant soup later. At least turkeys provide feathers though, there's that. I need to go on hunting myself to see, but will keep every eye out for bugs.
Wait wait, didn't old lizards drop skin, not scale? I remember that being the case.

Re: Wilderness wildlife restored!

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 9:32 pm
by Squeak
A few observations:

As stated, birds don't have any type of feathers to skin. Pheasants, which are a bit larger than ducks, only have one piece of meat to the ducks two. I also believe the "wild" turkeys that are imported are producing much less meat (x2) compared to the ones closer to Shadgard that we originally had (x8). Not sure which direction you'd prefer to go with on them. Owls don't provide any meat or feathers, the former not being particularly surprising.

There seems to be plenty of diversity across the board, roll-wise, with numerous in the 100-300 range, several in the 400 range. As of this posting, I've only come across one in the 600 range, and one in the 1100 range. But I'll keep looking.

Lizards, for certain, say they can be skinned, but nothing shows up as being skinnable and can't be skinned (as mentioned). Didn't get a chance to test crocs to see if they're the same.

Being as I can't see the difficulties for the skinnable things I've come across, I'm not sure how to test for bad luck, but the things on the lower ends - squirrels, hares, and gophers, for instance, I haven't had a single success on skinning their pelt. With only 8 points in skinning, that's not surprising, but I have had considerably better luck with the jackrabbits near Shadgard. Their difficulties might need to be adjusted but I'll test more to see how they compare.

Lastly, Coastal and Jungle environs don't *appear* to have anything huntable. This could just be my character's low perception, but regardless, I've come up with a few suggested animals for those environs that I'll post in the other thread when I get them fleshed out some. Will continue to update this as I come across other things.

Re: Wilderness wildlife restored!

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2024 4:03 pm
by Rias
Thanks to the efforts of Sideri, the birds should all be skinnable for feathers now! Feathers of sufficient quality can now be sold at the furrier, though they don't sell for much.

Re: Wilderness wildlife restored!

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2024 7:35 pm
by Squeak
I mentioned this in the previous post, but continued testing seems difficulty for skinning hares is pretty high. I've not been able to succeed on one yet, even though I seem to be successful pretty often with jackrabbits.

Conversely, it seems that the larger animals I've tested on - Lynxs and deer predominately - have an easier success rate. While I don't always get an average quality skin, I almost always at least skin *something* off of them, whereas I fail consistently with the hares, squirrels and gophers. I'm torn between this being odd behavior or if the difficulty stems from the animals just being smaller. That sort of makes sense.

Anyhow, will continue testing and let you know with what I come up with.

Re: Wilderness wildlife restored!

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2024 9:38 am
by xavier
It makes sense that certain smaller animals would be harder to skin due to skin thickness and fur. Most smaller animals are case skinned (that's removing the skin like a sock) and is a little more tricky than open skinning (thats the slit opening the skin like a jacket that is the most common portrayal of skinning). There are of course variables that go into why one is more difficult than the other and on which animal certain variables apply. I don't expect Rias wants to go through coding all of that so having some animals be arbitrarily more difficult regardless of size doesn't seem unreasonable to me.

Re: Wilderness wildlife restored!

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2024 9:41 am
by esthy
There used to be wandering sheep in some part of the map -- maybe the Dry Prairy area? Will those be making a comeback?