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Stone Canyon and sub-areas now flagged as reduced CvC restrictions (excluding Thaelsh)

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2024 11:28 pm
by Rias
Stone Canyon is now flagged as a "reduced CvC restrictions" zone! The key word here is "reduced," as initiating CvC encounters still requires some kind of reasonable logic behind the action. This is not an invitation for chaotic senseless free-for-all PvP action in the areas. We have the OOC battleground for that.

Stone Canyon has been one of my favorite areas when it comes to interesting long-term IC controversies involving territory and such that doesn't revolve around any of the major player towns/factions, and this reduced CvC restriction designation is meant to help people realize when entering that it is indeed going to potentially be very dangerous beyond just hostile NPCs: there may be PCs who defend the area from trespassers as well! I have asked that said defenders be understanding on initial encounters: that not everyone knows Stone Canyon is inhabited by people who wish to be left alone and for foreigners to stay out, or maybe some people haven't yet realized that there's an alternative route to get into Thaelsh. On the other hand, if someone insists on continuing to trespass after warnings and being given chances, this reduced CvC restriction gives the area's PC defenders the okay to let loose just like the NPCs do!

Entering any associated areas will give a little OOC warning that the player is entering a reduced CvC restrictions zone. Leaving the areas will give a similar note informing the player that they have left the reduced CvC restrictions zone. Importantly, the reduced CvC restrictions zone does not include Thaelsh and its own sub-areas, which can be accessed via an alternate route on the other side of the river that does not go through Stone Canyon. People are free to continue entering those horror-filled underground ruins to their heart's content without worry of increased CvC risk!

It's worth noting that Shadgard's official stance has been to leave Stone Canyon and its inhabitants alone and to not senselessly stir up conflict with them. Shadgard has enough to deal with already! No need to give yet another group out there some reason to want to act against the town when they've already got all the other problems of the Lost Lands to face. Corvus Outpost doesn't necessarily have an official stance on this specific-case matter, but even they typically abide by a common-sense approach of "it's foolish to make new enemies for no good reason." All this to say: Neither faction supports its members going into Stone Canyon just to randomly stir up trouble, and both may hold instigators accountable in some way if actions end up leading to bad consequences for their associated factions.

I'll work on getting some of this info into the game world proper so it can be gleaned in IC ways!

Re: Stone Canyon and sub-areas now flagged as reduced CvC restrictions (excluding Thaelsh)

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2024 11:32 pm
by Ninetales16
yay! thank you for providing us with some information. you are, as always, doing an awesome job!

Re: Stone Canyon and sub-areas now flagged as reduced CvC restrictions (excluding Thaelsh)

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 5:53 am
by Makkah
Very cool. I always absolutely adored that area and its inhabitants' design.

Re: Stone Canyon and sub-areas now flagged as reduced CvC restrictions (excluding Thaelsh)

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 8:39 am
by Zeldryn
Very cool.

I did notice early on that a few of the delicious, delicious creatures who live inside were bugged and could not be properly butchered. Inquiring minds are curious if this could perhaps be rectified to encourage some, shall we say, casual strolling in pursuit of said delicious food