Gripe about Town boards

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Gripe about Town boards

Post by gralkik »

Ok, this is starting to naw at me OOCly. To be frank, in my personal opinion, Town boards are to be used a board for Personal Advertisements and Notices. Not a Public forum to be endlessly post unwanted banter or comments regarding other posts. They're not Facebook. They're not there to post how you agree or disagree on matters. That's what the Inns and Taverns are for. And what you're to be doing in them. And because of the Misuse of the Town Boards, I am requesting that a fee be placed on them to deter this abuse of the Town Boards. Equivalent to that of a letter from the towns postal office. 5 riln. [/vent]
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Re: Gripe about Town boards

Post by jilliana »

Sorry to hear that the current stuff is bothering you OOCly. That's never fun.

I agree with you that it is a major annoyance. However, people have been doing this sort of thing for years. The boards are a great way to start character conflicts, but definitely not the best way to keep them going in some cases. It does feel like an attack on our characters, but objectively speaking, the tables have been turned. I personally don't feel really right in saying it's 'bad' or 'good' because Jilliana and other alts have stated their personal opinions about other guilds on the boards as well.

As for the fee...that's not going to help at all. Forage for fee and post away.
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Re: Gripe about Town boards

Post by gralkik »

Eh, I just look at the boards right now. And go... TLDC.. even if their are any worthy posts put up that are worth reading. I won't want to read if I was new character in town. Fine and dandy to attempt to spew 'conflict' on the boards... to start something. But, like you said, it's a bad way to continue it.

It's bothering me OOC, only to the point of being annoying. Always going back to it going, "Again with this nonsense?" come on.. find some better way to RP a problem.
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Re: Gripe about Town boards

Post by Dorn »

Always found it interesting personally. While I can understand why it can get people down, it gives a way for people to express publicly without their names to it, to sow discord and confusion, etc etc, no different from changing an esp colour to do the same.

I'm sorry whatever is going on is getting you down however.
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Re: Gripe about Town boards

Post by Zahrah »

I personally don't see a problem with people using an IC device to gripe about IC things their character might be concerned with. True, it's not Facebook, but people write all sorts of things on bathroom walls and other such places IRL. Everyone has an opinion. Everyone wants to express it. Anonymity increases that desire.

I'm sorry that it's affecting you OOCly.
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Re: Gripe about Town boards

Post by gralkik »

Zahrah wrote:but people write all sorts of things on bathroom walls and other such places IRL.
IC, and OOC, that's vandalism. -- I am half sorry I even started this.
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Re: Gripe about Town boards

Post by Zahrah »

gralkik wrote:
Zahrah wrote:but people write all sorts of things on bathroom walls and other such places IRL.
IC, and OOC, that's vandalism. -- I am half sorry I even started this.
My point was simply that there are other IRL examples of people expressing written opinions beyond Facebook, not to argue what is vandalism and what is not?
[FROM Zeldryn (OOC)]: You're a fucking amazing RPer. +1000

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Re: Gripe about Town boards

Post by Jaster »

gralkik wrote:Not a Public forum to be endlessly post unwanted banter or comments regarding other posts. They're not Facebook. They're not there to post how you agree or disagree on matters.
I would argue the opposite. By nature of the town boards being located in a central and public place, they are a form of public forum. If we are to place stipulations on what is to be posted, the entire purpose of having a public town board is negated.
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Re: Gripe about Town boards

Post by vidor »

Truthfully I don't see the problem with the use of the boards currently. People are disagreeing, and it's up to the cities (the gms) to limit spam and other components. I know players that have engaged in spamming behavior have been warned ooc and ic before. I see no reason to assume why it would be different in this case.
I absolutely see how the anonymous nature of the posts can be frustrating and annoying on an ic and ooc level. I'm sorry it's upsetting you ooc, and perhaps not looking at the boards is a good stopgap.
Also, I don't think a new player would be turned off by the boards. If I were new to CLOK and saw the conversation occurring, I'd be excited that the playerbase was talented at rp and the gms had created a world in which there can be effective and interesting conflict. The only issue I can even see is the length of some of the posts, not their content.
Tl;DR: No issue here, keep it up. But legit sorry you're unhappy.
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