Town Tasks

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Town Tasks

Post by Kiyaani »

I know there's a lot of promoting grouping for tasks and general play to encourage interaction. I was wondering if we could have town tasks as well as guild tasks. These would earn prestige or rewards with that specific town or outpost but not necessarily guild points and could be undertaken as a group. That way everyone in the group benefits instead of just whoever you're helping with their task.

So for this, maybe instead of an NPC taskmaster it would be a requests board. The tasks can have a recommended skill level or number of participants and only be taken on if you are currently in a group and the tasks would take place in the general area of the town they're accepted in. Once the task is completed it is replaced by something else. These can include combat tasks, or survey/gather tasks to dangerous areas where a guard may be necessary.

Just a thought.
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Post by Makkah »

Very awesome idea. Maybe have it gauge your skills to fit you into different tasks. Traders might lead a caravan while a group of fighter-types protect it from highwaymen, etc.
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Post by Avedri »

This would mean traders actually get tasks, which would be kind of cool.
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Post by Alexander »

I would greatly enjoy escort tasks or the like. It would be nice to put these guardian-oriented abilities to use. It was stated once that the Knights Templar were often employed to patrol roads and keep travelers safe. It would be good to have some people to protect in order to fulfill that role.
Last edited by Alexander on Wed Dec 19, 2012 4:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Acarin »

I'm looking forward to the opposite as well.
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