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Rumors and Silence

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 9:37 am
by Landion
Lately trader caravans and travelers have reported that the small town of Dusklamp has gone eerily silent.

One man was overheard in a tavern to have approached the township, but didn't have the nerve to enter. He rambled, "I always liked dere gates, tall and prittee 'dey be! But now de 'ole place be empty! Nuttin' through them gates and dey all broken! It be bad whatebber 'appenin' in dere... I's warnin' ya."

Since then, rumors have spread like wildfires with blame being pointed in all directions.

OOC notes:

A new area is open to be explored and can be found on your map.

Mystery! Intrigue!

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 10:23 am
by Makkah
That guard ain't no joke.

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 10:41 am
by Makkah
Also... this new place is badass.

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 10:59 am
by Reynard
8 hours until I can explore it. T_T

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 2:25 pm
by Shiela
I died in Dusklamp...

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 10:48 pm
by Reynard
Oh man, this could not have been better timed.