Wilderness map!

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Wilderness map!

Post by Xzean »

Hey guys, I figured I would share my labeled wilderness map. I will be happy to update it with places I don't have labeled if you guys want to help out.

"The effort to understand the universe is one of the very few things that lifts human life a little above the level of farce, and gives it some of the grace of tragedy." `Steven Weinburg
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Post by Renarin »

Thanks! This is helpful!
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Post by Acarin »

The logging camp is the * on the far left in case you want to add it.
Last edited by Acarin on Tue Aug 14, 2012 3:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
20:21:01 [CHAT - (a mysterious GM)]: With obvious effort, Zuki pries up a thick scale over a drakolin's chest! Zuki spearhand-strikes the soft, unprotected area under the scale! Heart ruptured, death follows immediately. A drakolin lets out a final bellow of rage and falls lifeless to the ground.
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