Lore/Backstory SUPERBASH!! Let's get DRESSY!

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Lore/Backstory SUPERBASH!! Let's get DRESSY!

Post by Zoiya »

I'll be around this weekend observing RP and players as they walk around and interact with each other. I'm going to be making random (awesome) outfits for those people. I will also be looking in the character histories and making outfits from things I read there as well, so if you haven't already, send your character's history to clok@contrarium.net.

Just a heads up for those who were not in the game when I was talking on chat about this ^.

Also a certain weapon alterer will be crawling out from under a tavern wench to come make your weapons look pretty.

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Re: Lore/Backstory SUPERBASH!! Let's get DRESSY!

Post by Jaster »

Sounds like my kind of lad.
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Re: Lore/Backstory SUPERBASH!! Let's get DRESSY!

Post by Elystole »

I just got a couple of things and I wanted to make public my appreciation for them. One was a completely random item that Zoiya wanted to make based on my backstory, and it immediately became a part of said backstory. The second was a special request from my backstory. What I gave Zoiya was a really brief and pretty bland idea, what I got back was full of character and details.

Again, very pleased. Thank you.
You overhear the following rumor:
"I saw one of those Shadgard folk come barging into Grif's and shoot one of the patrons on the spot. Shadgard must be a pretty rough place with such outlaws running rampant."
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