Ladies Armor

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Ladies Armor

Post by jilliana »

Most of you probably already know where I'm going with this...

Could we have an available selection of armor skirts and the like? Sure, I can go to Kyskie, but with the way I go through, and probably a lot of armor-wearing female players do as well,'d get slightly frustrating after a time.
Greaves over a skirt/dress? Not so much!

I'm not suggesting it for it to be frilly/fluffy. (I wouldn't buy it if it was(

What say yall?
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Re: Ladies Armor

Post by Rias »

As far as I'm concerned, armor is of a more or less unisex design with the singular function of providing protection. I'm sure there are some minor differences for armor to fit a female as opposed to a male since their builds are different. Yes, I'm a male and boring utilitarian. I could see something like an extra fashion-only skirt layer on some leg armors, maybe, I guess. I think an extra layer of chainmail that was made to look like a fashionable, feminine skirt would add significantly to the armor's weight, though.

If you're wearing armor over a skirt or a dress, there are bigger issues at hand.

C'mon, armor is made to keep you alive in heavy melee. Your worry should be staying alive, not looking feminine. When you want to impress the menfolk with your pretty clothes and curves, it's time to take off the armor.
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Re: Ladies Armor

Post by Jaster »

Take it off, baby.
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Re: Ladies Armor

Post by Lun »

Next thing you'll want is sculpted boobplate armor!

I don't think there ought to be feminine armor. I assume that the blacksmith makes the armor to your proportions, and thusly will fit better but it's designed to protect, not for fashion, aye.
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Re: Ladies Armor

Post by Zoiya »

Boobplate. Mmmm..
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Re: Ladies Armor

Post by Rias »

Boobplate will have an increased chance for incoming piercing chest strikes to critically wound the wearer, and will have a high chance of falling/getting knocked down to deliver mortal wounds to the chest. ... d-kill-you
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Re: Ladies Armor

Post by jilliana »

I was not about to suggest boobplating.

It just seems slightly wrong MOB get to have armor skirts and female players don't. :(

There is a practical reason why females would like to wear skirt armor vs something like greaves...but since most seem so against it, I'm willing to suck it up...for now.
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Re: Ladies Armor

Post by Noctere »

I'll just throw in my two riln here.

I agree that boobplates and 'le fem' armor that show more skin for the sake of being "sexy" is absolutely... just dumb however believe it or not armored skirts, historically, have been for men.

The part in question was called a tasset or the larger metal skirt was called a Tonlet. The most famous Tonlet was worn by Henry VIII.

Now it might be possible to wear something like this but it would still be considered unisex although I don't think many men would be caught dead in one.
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Re: Ladies Armor

Post by Rias »

Which NPCs have armor skirts?
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Re: Ladies Armor

Post by Kiyaani »

The ones in Redleaf Hills and that general area.
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Lady Armour, What's that?

Post by Nootau »

Battle skirts are also non feminine in the slightest.. Roman soldiers used them, Normally leather strips 2-3 inches wide with metal rivits that go down to the knees.
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Re: Ladies Armor

Post by Drayla »

Oh come on, has no one played a modern RPG? Don't you know the less clothing a woman wears, the more protected she is? Fighting in the nude makes them nigh invulnerable to mortal weapons. lol
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