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A Few More Blades

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 2:47 pm
by Drayla
I was forging some sword weapons lately for a task, when it occured to me that we really don't have that big of a variety of bladed weapons to choose from. Right now, we have a bunch of weapons that are nearly exactly the same, save for some are held with two hands, some are made for quick, light strikes, some are made for dealing heavy damage, etc, but aesthetically the only real difference between most of them is size, and none of them provide any real interesting fighting styles, save for the rapier with advantages to parrying and more strikes per round. I did a quick search and found a few more types that would be interesting to see implemented at some point.

1) Khopesh: A khopesh is a sickle-sword used by the Ancient Egyptians. It was used to better attack opponents who had shields, and to disarm them. It was primarily used for slashing, and was probably never used for thrusting attacks.

2) Any variation of bladeless sword: Bladeless swords were used in the Middle Ages as thrusting weapons. The were usually square or triangular prisms that came to a point at the end, and were used for penetrating through armor, though I imagine getting a smack from one of these things probably didn't feel too good either if you weren't wearing armor.

3)Gladius: A gladius is a shortsword that was used by the Romans. It is actually sized somewhere between a shortsword and a dagger, being classified as a long dagger. It has no handguards on the hilt, and would be used for quick slashing and stabbing attacks that would require you to be closer to your opponent, but would allow you to more easily penetrate their defenses.

4) Hook Swords: Just look up an image of these things and you will see why they would so darn cool. These were used strictly by civilians in China, and are actually fairly rare. There are so examples tgat have been sharpened and clearly used however, so they are actual weapons and bot just decorative items. They did require special training for proper use though, so if this is introduced, I could see it being something that is either guild-unique or requires a high swords skill to get good damage values from.

There are many other unique types of swords that would be interesting to see on CLOK; I just chose these four because they are each so different from the typical sword steroetype, and would add some extra flair to the bladed weapons. If anyone else is interested in looking at various types of swords to see if there are any they'd like to see, I used the list here:

Re: A Few More Blades

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 3:06 pm
by Jaster
I have encountered a khopesh in game, so I know they exist already. I don't know if they offer any different perks for use or if it is purely a cosmetic name.

Re: A Few More Blades

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 6:01 pm
by Rias
Khopeshes have their own weapon base. I hate multiple weapon nouns using the same template. Chances are if it has a different noun, it has differen properties. Primary exception I can think of is several knives are dagger-based (stilettos are indeed their own base), though there are a few unique knife bases as well (whittling knife, butcher knife, skinning knife).

Actually, I think flails and ball-and-chains are the same too. That bugs me, I should fix it.

I do want to add broadswords as a middle ground between shortwords and longswords. Warswords help fill this gap but they're pretty rare. I think only Dwaedn have access to them at the moment.

I also want to add cutlasses.

Regarding the gladius, grab yourself a shortsword.

For bladeless swords, I want to add an estoc.

Don't get your heart set on the hook sword, sorry.

Re: A Few More Blades

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 7:53 am
by Rias
Broadswords, cutlasses, and estocs have been added to the Coalition Blacksmith.

Re: A Few More Blades

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 8:23 am
by Drayla
Awesome. Any hope of them becoming forge-able?

Edit: I did not mean to sound ungrateful, if in fact I did. I always like new weapons. I was just wondering if these were planned to be added to the forge list or if they were to be store-bought only.