Lore Question: Dwaedn Wyr outside of the quarantine?

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Lore Question: Dwaedn Wyr outside of the quarantine?

Post by Hakon »

So I was wondering, would there be any Dwaedn Wyr back in Tyr-Gwyrd(or anywhere else in the world outside of the quarantine) or are they a specialized Faewyr group specifically in this part of the world?

Would someone from Tyr-Gwyrd be able to say: Oh yeah my grandpa was a Dwaedn Wyr, for example?
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Re: Lore Question: Dwaedn Wyr outside of the quarantine?

Post by Marauder »

I would assume the Dwaedn Wyr are widespread due to their druidic practices originating from the Faewyr. They are, after all, druidic warriors and do use a form of druidic magic, though it is a separate form of druidry from the stuff you'd seen the Lorekeepers and Udemi using. An Udemi will never learn how to call upon the Great Bear Spirit, for example.
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Re: Lore Question: Dwaedn Wyr outside of the quarantine?

Post by Hakon »

I was honestly hoping for something more than assumptions, since I can make plenty of those on my own
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Re: Lore Question: Dwaedn Wyr outside of the quarantine?

Post by Rias »


The Dwaedn Wyr originated on the Faewyr's home continent of Tyr-Gwyrd long, long ago.

Wait for the Jirato Seal of Approval before running with this, since he's Head Guy.

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Re: Lore Question: Dwaedn Wyr outside of the quarantine?

Post by Jirato »

I was supposed to make a seal of approval last night but I didn't get around to it. Funny thing, if you Google image search eggplant seal, they actually exist. But I didn't want to use someone else's work with a big stock photo watermark on it.
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