thoughts on Dwaedn Wyr fighting from horseback?

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thoughts on Dwaedn Wyr fighting from horseback?

Post by galon »

Hello peoples of clok.
I was just wondering on opinioins of Dwaedn fighting from horseback. No one will give me an answer most often saying "I'm not going to touch that one". I don't understnad why. So I'd like some honest opinions.
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Re: thoughts on Dwaedn Wyr fighting from horseback?

Post by Jirato »

Personally, I don't see a problem with it. Not many of them play anymore, but many of the well known Dwaedn Wyr players of old used combat mounts. My character in that guild has three warhorses himself, though has kind of gotten to the point (Mainly because of bullrush) where the mounts seem more of a hindrance than a boon.
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Re: thoughts on Dwaedn Wyr fighting from horseback?

Post by galon »

Thanks. Another thing I was wondering about as battle fury and battle adrenaline. still can't decide if i like them or not though I can see how battle fury would be beneficial if your in a group but by yourself it's mostlikely going to get you seriously injured which it has me. battle adrenaline gives me about 35 energy. Is this random or is it set at 35 eneergy I haven't really experimented much with it.
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Re: thoughts on Dwaedn Wyr fighting from horseback?

Post by jilliana »

galon wrote:Hello peoples of clok.
I was just wondering on opinioins of Dwaedn fighting from horseback. No one will give me an answer most often saying "I'm not going to touch that one". I don't understnad why. So I'd like some honest opinions.
I think some people may complain because they get hung up on the details like a bear on a mount or something. The mechanics don't always support it as Jirato mentioned. But really, if you feel it's cool for your character, then go for it. With the way mechanics are with traveling, it really is the more practical thing to own a mount, and then you may get into some trouble along the you have a warhorse.
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