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Bandit Fort

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 1:00 am
by Landion
A group of bandits recently began running raids on merchant caravans and travelers moving through Ebon Pass, it is also rumored that these bandits have a a fort somewhere nearby.

Travelers are encouraged to join the patrolmen protecting the pass to assure a safe journey through, and to avoid being robbed, maimed or otherwise.

Thanks to Zoiya for doing the muscle work on this project.

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 3:08 pm
by Acarin
If there is a fort for these bandits, I'd think it would have an infirmiry to treat its injured occupants. Any chance I may be eventually correct?

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 3:32 pm
by Zoiya
There is an infirmary to treat its injured occupants, it just isn't readily accessible to people just passing through.

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 3:54 pm
by Makkah

Re: Bandit Fort

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 8:35 am
by Dorn
Not sure if this is a bug or not.

Also here: a smelly bandit guard (lightly wounded, face concealed, heavily-armored) and a slouching bandit guard (face concealed, heavily-armored).
Obvious paths: west, northwest.


A sweaty dark-haired bandit springs from hiding to attack!
(Forcing combat position to Engage.)
A sweaty dark-haired bandit attacks you with her thin-bladed dark bronze shortsword and serrated bronze dagger!
shortsword (+*****) (M:1550 vs B:21) 3 slash damage -- (right hand, gauntlets)
shortsword (+*****) (M:1395 vs B:21) 11 pierce damage (right arm [armor-chink])
(energy -4)
A slouching bandit guard attacks you with his massive dark copper sledgehammer!
sledgehammer (*) (M:1777 vs B:*) Blocked by an exquisite bronze kite shield!
Concussive force of the blow crushes shield arm!
4 crush damage -- (left arm, vambraces)
(energy -4)
A smelly bandit guard attacks you with his massive dark copper sledgehammer!
sledgehammer (*) (M:1777 vs B:*) Blocked by an exquisite bronze kite shield!
(energy -4)
A slouching bandit guard attacks you with his massive dark copper sledgehammer!
sledgehammer (* (M:1580 vs B:*) Blocked by an exquisite bronze kite shield!
Concussive force of the blow crushes shield arm!
13 crush damage -- (left arm, vambraces)
(energy -4)
A smelly bandit guard attacks you with his massive dark copper sledgehammer!
sledgehammer (*) (M:1777 vs B:*) 22 crush damage -- (back, breastplate)
(energy -4)
You manage to break away from the hostiles engaging you in combat!
You head west, armor clanking.

That all happened as soon as I walked in. Fairly sure sledgehammers are 1 attack per round weapon, but I'm not sure if these guys are bugged or simply have some super ability that lets them hit twice per round with one.

Re: Bandit Fort

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 9:09 am
by Rias
Awesome bug, but fixed.

Re: Bandit Fort

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 8:46 pm
by Dorn
Some I found a few more mobs like that which are bugged in the Bandit Fort. (Yay for hasted Sledgehammer mobs? Har)

[Bandit Fort, Headquarters] (InUr)
Long and narrow, this log building looks like it's mostly made up of stacks of treasure and chests. The windows are barred and so is the door.

2 bandits in there are uber hasted. (a thin bandit guard and a lithe bandit guard)

[Stained Hovel] (InUr)
Thick strips of hastily sewn canvas makes up this squalid hovel. Strips of linen litter the floor forming a nest near the exit.

While 3 bandits in here are too. (a grimy muscled mercenary)

Re: Bandit Fort

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2017 1:51 pm
by Lun
I just want to say, that the new Bandit Fortress is a great hunting ground. I truly enjoy it!