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Post by Alila »

Yes, I'm being annoying again, and so soon!
Is it intentional that this seems a little bit impossible? It could be that I'm being unfair and not training brawling enough before being critical about it, but channeling while unarmed strike-ing produces a message about finding doing both difficult. Is there a reason this would be harder to do than channeling while swinging a sword or greataxe?
Of course if it's for balance reasons I'm super sorry and entirely understand that too, but flare-combat already seems a little...not so good because of the energy costs; it's an energy per second to keep the channel open, on top of the energy for the swing, which equals somewhere between a greataxe and lance in energy for unarmed strikes? Which is okay too! I'm not expecting all forms of combat to be equal, so please try not to take this as a complaint or argument. But it seems like an interesting way to fight--fists and magic as opposed to pure magic or magic and steel--and it's me wondering what makes it more challenging than the latter two because at least with magic and a weapon you can push through the really high energy costs for some interesting effects, but with unarmed strikes and flares you are given the penalty outright. Maybe it's a string and my assumption that it's making rolls really hard is wrong, but the fact that I miss a good amount of the time from successful stealth attacks--that is, against dodge and parry rolls between one and five--leads me to believe otherwise. But of course it entirely makes sense that maybe it's harder to keep channels open when putting them in direct contact with other things and the Claw need special training to do it with something that's already way easier to manipulate than elemancy?
Anyway, I will stop mumbling to myself here now.
Thank you!
[ESP-GRAY - Amaranth-Purple]: Yew should always respect your Alders. If you do, you'll do Oak kay. If you don't, they might kick your, um... Ash.
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Re: brawlemancy

Post by Noctere »

The fact that you cannot channel and brawl is intentional from a game balance perspective.
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Re: brawlemancy

Post by Alila »

Okay, thank you! ;)
[ESP-GRAY - Amaranth-Purple]: Yew should always respect your Alders. If you do, you'll do Oak kay. If you don't, they might kick your, um... Ash.
In the large bird's nest you see a pewter mug.
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