Brawing combat comments and suggestions thread

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Brawing combat comments and suggestions thread

Post by Jhieger »

First of all, I love how unarmed combat is set up, and I like that it's actually useful. I've got a suggestion, though.

I feel a little strange seeing my character perform things like reverse roundhouses. What if there were some different styles? There would be the common brawling that anyone could use just from getting brawling skill. This could be more like street fighting. Then monks and claw of shar assassins could learn a more advanced style from their guild, which would do the fancier moves like the flying roundhouses and things like that, and would probably be a little more effective, since their guilds seems to be based around brawling. Guild of thieves already incorporates their dirty tricks into brawling, which could be expanded for them.

This could start out simply as different messaging for the brawling combat hits. Jhieger is more of a rough brawler and street fighter than a trained and disciplined Eastern-style martial artist.

Another suggestion is that these fancier and high-power moves should probably not happen until you get more skill in brawling. I was performing reverse roundhouses at only a few points in brawling.

Sorry for being picky. I'd be happy to submit some alternative messaging if it will help make this a reality.
Last edited by Jhieger on Sat May 12, 2012 7:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rias »

I think that'd be cool. I'll poke Landion about it.
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Post by Jhieger »

How about being able to parry other brawling attacks bare-handed, even without blade slap training?
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Post by Acarin »

I kind of suggested something similar before as far as styles. As battle has yet to be updated with the new brawling system, I thought it would be neat to see different combinations of attacks come with different styles. I've been writing something up, but got frustrated for a bit and stopped. I'll try to get on it though...
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Post by Jhieger »

Dwaedn Wyr could have some crazy feral moves too.
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Post by Evelyn »

I wish I could think of some nifty moves! :D
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Post by Jaster »

Chuck Norris superkicks.
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Post by Landion »

Those are good suggestions.

When I get some time I still need to put a LOT of work into this system. The reverse roundhouses and whatnot are just added as flavor messaging right now. I would like to add a lot more detail to this system so certainly, any suggestions like these I will definitely pull from when I sit down to toy with brawling skills more.
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