It's a trap!

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It's a trap!

Post by Rias »

Lockblade traps are now available at the blacksmith shop. Trappers can lure their attackers into previously-set traps, causing damage and/or a variety of effects. The lockblade trap (being the only trap currently available for purchase, many more in the works) causes damage, knockdown and roots the target in place, preventing them from various actions (including leaving the room) and also makes them much easier to hit in combat.

Success is based on a combination of the trapper's Trapping skill and General Combat (fraction) skill versus the attacker's Perception skill (their ability to avoid the trap). Traps are meant to be a forte of thieves and rangers, though simpler traps such as the lockblade trap can be used by anyone.

get trap
You pick up a lockblade trap.

arm trap
You arm your lockblade trap.
Roundtime: 3 seconds.

You find a hiding spot and attempt to blend in with the surroundings.
Roundtime: 5 seconds.

set trap
You attempt to set the lockblade trap in a disguised area where it won't be easily noticed and you will now attempt to lure any foes into it should you be
Roundtime: 3 seconds.

You come out of hiding.

Barges just arrived.

Barges moves to attack you, but you skillfully lure him into your hidden lockblade trap!
The sharp jaws of a lockblade trap clamp shut on Barges's foot!
30 hack damage!
A strike to the left foot!
Barges is knocked to the ground!

Barges manages to wrench his foot free of a lockblade trap.
Players can either DROP the trap out in the open, or HIDE and then SET the trap. Players can SEARCH to look for any hidden traps that might be set in the area. Trappers will have a much easier time luring their attackers into traps that are hidden rather than traps that are out in the open. A trap sitting out in the open is useable by anyone in the area and not just the person who armed it, though it is more likely for whoever armed it to lure someone else into it and they are less likely to fall into it themselves.

A trapper will recall any of his hidden traps when he LOOKS around an area.
[Wilderness, Conifer Forest]
Coniferous trees dominate the area. A dirt road stretches from north to south.
The area is completely silent.
You recall that you have hidden a lockblade trap in the area as a trap.
Obvious exits: north (road), south (road), west, east.
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Post by drahkik »

If you successfully trap someone is the trap useless after that? Are there multiple uses on the traps or are they destroyed?
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Post by Rias »

The lockblade traps can be re-armed and used multiple times. I'm working on vial traps now, which have to be loaded with a new vial after each use, but there will be multiple vial types. Poison gas vials, fire goo vials and so on. These vials can be purchased from a shop or made by characters with sufficient knowledge an skill once I'm done coding that up.

There will also be simpler traps like rope traps and pits.
The lore compels me!
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