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A NPC, or Non-Playable Character, is an entity that exists within the world of Arad, but is not necessarily controlled by another player. These can range from shopkeepers, townspeople, to guild masters and even some special NPCs that are controlled by the GMs to drive certain lore and event progression.

Roleplay with NPCs

As a role-playing enforced MUD, we treat interactions with NPCs very seriously. NPCs should be looked at and treated the same as you would treat any other player character. They are not mere mechanical aids to your character or "practice targets." Attacking an NPC, even under the pretense of "practice" or "training", will usually have serious consequences with both that NPC and any factions or guilds that they belong to.

Interaction with NPCs will sometimes be noticed by the GM staff, and it is not uncommon for them to possess an NPC to interact back with the player. This may be a rewarding experience that enriches the role play and may even result in Role-Play Awards for the player's character.

If your character needs to interact with an NPC and a GM hasn't noticed, you may wish to use the think command to share your character's thoughts about the situation with all online GMs or even use the ritual command to act out interacting to the NPC. However, please be aware that GM interaction is not always guaranteed. It is a special treat for the players, not an entitlement.

You may also contact NPCs via post with the npcmail command at a post office in the exact way you would use the mail command to mail another player character. Please note that the name of your recipient to the npcmail is not checked against a list of existing NPCs, so make sure you double check the name and make sure it is something we will understand.