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The Udemi are a branch of the Tse Gaiyan organization that teach people various wilderness survival skills and generally attempt to help keep civilization safe from any dangers that may come from the untamed wilds. Additionally, they attempt to keep nature free of any particularly widespread plagues or infestations; particularly infestation by resen spores. They also have a reputation for having mystical ties to nature, both plant and animal.



The Udemi focus on skills that allow them to be self-sufficient and at home in the wilderness. They can more easily move about and survive in harsh terrains and adverse climates and weather.


Being survivalists that must face the untamed dangers of the wilds, the Udemi offer a fair amount of combat training and abilities, though their unique abilities techniques tend to be more practical for wilderness survival rather than outright warfare. They put particular focus on archery, marksmanship, sniping, and ambushing due to their history of being hunters, as well as the use of the staff for self-defense in melee combat.

Promotion Points

Promotion points can be earned in the following ways:

  • Ambushing or sniping from stealth
  • Landing hits on creatures infested by resen spores.
  • Destroying sites infested by resen spores.

Overall Pros

  • Unparalleled stealth in forests
  • More efficient in the wilderness (faster movement, terrain advantages, etc.)
  • Excellent at ranged combat and avoiding being pulled into melee
  • A diverse mix of combat, magic and utility abilities

Overall Cons

  • Many unique combat abilities are tailored specifically for the bow or staff, limiting optimal weapon choice
  • Some unique abilities only work outdoors in non-urban environments


Guild Services

  • Nelyan's Outfitting is available in the Chapterhouse for members.

None yet, many planned.